Elevation Certificate

Flood Elevation Certificate Services 

An elevation certificate is an important administrative tool for the National Flood Insurance Program. This certificate allows properties to be properly rated via the NFIP for post-FIRM or pre-FIRM buildings by providing the buildings elevation in comparison with the Base Flood Elevations for the Flood Hazard Zones determined by FEMA.


Let us help you find an elevation certificate

An elevation certificate is provided by a licensed surveyor. You may have one in your closing documents. If not, we can review your situation and recommend a number of different surveyors in your area. We recommend calling around, finding the average price range, and negotiate a good deal.


Why do you need an elevation certificate?

This certificate verifies the elevation of the lowest floor of the house relative to the FEMA Base Flood Elevation. It is especially important if the house/building is in a high-risk flood area. The elevation certificate will help us determine if the property can be removed from the high-risk flood zone (such as Zone AE) through the FEMA LOMA process.


Do you have an Elevation Certificate? Send it to support@secondlookflood.com for review.

Need to get an Elevation Certificate? Click Here


Elevation Cert